Safe and healthy working environment

Safe working environment

CTCI's HSE management meeting reviews relevant standards, regulations and risk assessment annually; HSE policies are endorsed by all senior executives of the business units, demonstrating the Company's commitment to clients and the society.
▼HSE Policies

▼Milestones in CTCI's Occupational Safety and Health Management System

▼Risk hierarchy management mechanism

▼High-risk items common at project worksites and their operational control:

Construction safety and quality

Near-miss incidents are closely monitored and corrective measures taken, as near-miss incidents are key to identify potential risk. In 2021, there will be a total of 274 near-miss incidents, and for the reported near-miss, the construction site is required to strengthen the publicity of safety precautions to prevent occupational accidents. In light of the fact that most industrial accidents are caused by unsafe behaviors and environment, CTCI also champions BBS (Behavior-Based Safety) at project sites, in addition to the first HQ building. First-line operators, including vendors, first observe and record unsafe behaviors and conditions. To make BBS observation more convenient and timely, CTCI has developed a BBS observation APP, which can be operated on mobile devices.
▼BBS observation APP interface

In addition, HSE Scorecard is implemented at the project sites, allowing project site managers to make weekly self-assessments and to summarize the week's safety assurance activities at the site, such as reviewing BBS discoveries, touring sites, identifying hazards, etc. Assessment results are submitted to HSE management team weekly for further tally and analysis. Outlier projects on the top and the bottom are required to provide further explanation and review. Through self-assessment, project site managers can easily follow the checklist to ensure full implementation of the HSE measures without fail. It also enables the management team to reward outstanding performance accordingly and to monitor closely projects with unsatisfactory scores before those issues deteriorate into serious safety concerns.

Total HSE Culture

CTCI's culture of "professionalism" is built upon the internal culture of safety. CTCI endeavors to drive "safety first" as the top priority of professionalism among colleagues with the inclusion of safety criteria in the year-end performance review.
▼Total HSE Evaluation Process

▼HSE Assessment Results

▼Group HSE series activities

CTCI's commitment to HSE can be seen in CTCI management practices and the projects it manages. Achievements at the HQ include ongoing accumulation of safe man-hours (an accumulation of 56,870,458 safe man-hours from January 2007 to December 31, 2021). Many large projects also maintain excellent record of safe man-hours. Among the 17 large-scale projects under construction in 2021 (with a contract value of more than 6 billion), 8 projects exceeded more than 1 million safe man-hours, and 6 of them even exceeded 10 million. The remaining projects still continue to accumulate safe man-hours due to the progress of the project or the long construction period. In addition, CTCI's excellent HSE management performance is also shown in the awards given by the owner. The EP1 Project in Qatar was awarded the Best Contractor Safety Award. Singapore T250 Project acquired Annual SHE Award 2021. All of these awards fully demonstrate CTCI's excellent record of industrial safety and engineering performance.

Contractor Management

To urge contractors to comply with HSE regulations and the company's HSE requirement, CTCI has formulated "Construction Subcontractor HSE Management Rules," so that the contractors can clearly understand and follow the rules during the procurement and contracting stage.

▼HSE Evaluation for Contractor (Assessment period: from Jan. 2021 to Dec. 2021)

Many large projects maintain excellent record of safe man-hours. Among 17 large-scale projects under construction in 2021 (with a contract value of more than 6 billion), 8 projects exceeded more than 1 million safe man-hours, and 6 of them even exceeded 10 million.
▼Million Level Projects

To minimize the risk of damage after an incident, the Company has established a standard procedure for incident investigation.
▼Incident Treatment and Prevention Procedure

In addition, targeting work-related falling and fire accidents on project construction sites in 2021, we have actively reviewed and proposed improvement solutions including strengthening opening prevention equipment, requiring opening registration management and increasing opening prevention inspection frequency; revising and fortifying work permit system for high risk work, send supervisors depending on risk levels or set up mobile camera for real-time monitoring; strictly requiring contractors to implement insurance covering, supervising and spot checking contractors' insurance covering; immediately improving management measures when accidents occur and conducting complete corrections and preventions for all the other projects, reviewing accident causes from work-related events in the past and feedback to work-related management system on the site. Moreover, CTCI also continuously requires construction sites to take safety management measures, including joint inspection frequency on construction sites, conforming to CTCI project life saving regulations (LSR), and implementing a regional person-in-charge system. We expect that these measures would help reduce occupational incidents at project construction sites and prevent hazards.

Healthy Workplace

Strengthen anti-epidemic work
To broadcast important epidemic prevention information, we regularly update information on group health and care platform, so that employees both at home and abroad can access the latest information from the company and the governmental epidemic prevention institutions. When employees undergo home quarantine after coming back to Taiwan, suffer from abnormal body temperature or are identified to have overlapping footprints with the confirmed case, they can use APP on mobile phones or PC to report their body temperatures and physical conditions online. For employees who had to go to overseas construction sites or do business trips, the company has continuously provided complete epidemic prevention kit as a way of making employees feel at ease when taking planes.

Group healthcare platform

In accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Labor Health Protection Rules, CTCI has provided assistance in nurse recruitment in affiliated enterprises and guided nursing personnel to practice healthcare since 2017. The CTCI group health care platform, which was incepted in 2019 and put to use in 2020, allows employees to obtain instant epidemic prevention information, health information, and health examination resources. Platform features include the latest health information from the government, group epidemic prevention information, health checkup and hospital list, health questionnaire identification (abnormal workload, human factor risk assessment, maternal health assessment and psychology related measurements), and registration for health promotion activities.
▼Rapid test announcement

Risk identification system

We have developed an electronic risk identification system that includes abnormal workload identification, business trip risk identification, and human factor risk assessment and identification. Employees can get identification results immediately after completing online questionnaire. Nursing personnel would analyze the identification result and determine if there is a need to offer health education and on - site physician health counseling to people with high risks. This is real-time interaction and paperless documentation process.

Health risk identification and management

Health risk management
In recent years, health center has been committed to breaking traditional health management practices, changing health management model, hoping to prevent occupational disease and actively promote employee personal health while achieving all-around health management. Through regular regulation identification, we have tracked and revised our adherence to existing regulations.

Health risk identification system

We analyze the injury and illness incidence of employees based on the health examination materials collected between 2019 and 2021 as well as employee health care materials. We then identify CTCI employees' health risks and formulate health management and mitigation measures.
▼CTCI employee health risk matrix

▼Risk levels and mitigation measures

Health promotion

Preventive medicine calls for a 3-level and 5-stage prevention approach and healthcare measures to end or mitigate disease progression. This is exactly what CTCI is doing, where we commit to helping affiliated enterprises implement a consistent health management model with the ultimate goal of improving group employees' health.

CTCI has established Employee Welfare Committee in charge of promoting employee welfare.
▼Employee welfare expenditure (NT$)

Currently there are 18 clubs at CTCI, of which sports-oriented clubs are basketball, badminton, table tennis, baseball, swimming, mountaineering, tai-chi, and qigong. Non-sports clubs include photography, calligraphy, home economics, music, charity, Buddhism, reading, recreation, information technology, foreign languages study, and bridge. All clubs are open to family members.