Integrity Management

CTCI Group Codes of Ethical Conduct and Zero Tolerance of Corruption

CTCI follows the UN Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) - Declaration on Fundamental and Rights at Work, Equal Remuneration Convention, and other norms and spirits related to human rights, labor standards, environment and anticorruption. CTCI takes "Most Reliable" as its brand positioning. In order to make all colleagues clearly understand the act of integrity, CTCI issued the "Codes of Ethical Conduct" in 2016 and the "Ethical Corporate Management Principles of CTCI" in 2019 as the ethical standards and codes of conduct that CTCI's directors, managers and all employees should follow when performing their duties.

▼Signing rate of CTCI's Codes of Ethical Conduct

▼CTCI Codes of Ethical Conduct Training

Implement Ethical Management - Education and Training Advocacy

To ensure fair trade and prevent bribery and corruption, CTCI requires that employees should not give discounts when conducting trading activities with stakeholders, and cannot ask for, make deals with, give, or accept gifts, entertainment, kickbacks, or bribes for himself/herself or on behalf of others when carrying out his/her job duties. We clearly define the principles and penalties of "rules for gift receiving," "prevention of conflict of interest" and "protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights" in the "Rules for Ethical Conduct," and regularly announce the "no gift receiving policy" in three festivals of each year. We also implement and promote the part of overseas projects with the same standards, and provide necessary education and communication to partner vendors. At the same time, our owners will also advertise and audit from time to time. This truly demonstrates CTCI's determination to promote this policy.
▼CTCI Corporate Culture Activities

Reporting and Protection

CTCI takes "Most Reliable" as its brand positioning. Externally, a third-party impartial unit, Deloitte & Touche, is appointed to build a "reporting website" on the "employee opinion platform" to protect the rights and interests of whistle-blowers and ensure the proper investigation and disposal of reported cases. If an employee discovered any unjust behavior inside the Corporation, which will or is exerting adverse impacts to the Corporation, and jeopardize employees' interests, he/she shall file for reporting. The website also accepts reports of illegal activities by anonymous and cooperative vendors. The Human Resources Department will reply the final results within the time limit, and the process will fulfill the responsibility of protecting employees and vendors.

If you need to know or inquire about ethical code of conduct or Ethical Corporate Management, please contact:
Tel: (886) 2-2833-9999    Fax: (886) 2-2833-8833

Complaints and reports:

Evaluation and Inspection-Internal Control and Internal Audit

CTCI's internal control system is based on Financial Supervisory Committee's regulation, namely Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies. Our internal control system is designed by managers, passed by the Board of Directors, and managed by the Board of Directors, managers and other employees. Its purpose is to promote the sound operation of the Company and to ensure the achievement of operational effectiveness and efficiency, as well as the reliability, timeliness, transparency of information reporting and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Fair Trade

CTCI Group maintains visions of legal compliance and honest business operations, and fully exercises professionalism and integrity. To ensure fair trade, fair competition and to prevent unfair competition, monopoly, joint inappropriate behavior, inappropriate market allocations and joint price manipulations, we always abide by a fair trade spirit, regardless of project tenders or external contracted service/ procurement projects.