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2023 / 3
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Corporate Citizen


Do You Drink Enough Water Today?

CTCI cares about the health of colleagues; in the hot summer days in particular, heat hazard prevention at the site has been our top focus. Apart from preventing colleagues to work for more than 6 hours under high-temperature, and arrange for moderate rest according to colleagues’ physical condition, we will take measures at the site to prevent the occurrence of heat injuries, such as setting up a rest booth or simple sun umbrellas, sprinkling water onto the road to cool the working environment, and preparing tea (no ice, sweetened and alcoholic beverages; because alcohol will results in diuresis, making the body lose water, inhibiting the central nervous system cooling function, thus reducing the body's heat dissipation function). Among other things, drinking more water is the fundamental way to protect ourselves in hot weather. But how shall we drink water? How much water do we need?

Avoiding Heat Injuries at High Temperature

On a hot summer day at the construction site, the workers were tying rebars. Rob turned around and said to his partner, "Jon, I feel funny. My head is dizzy, I feel like puking, and my legs are cramping." By this time, Rob was already sweating profusely and his clothes were soaked with sweat. After finishing his words, he stood up and immediately fell over. Everyone started yelling, "someone fainted!" Then, several other workers helped carry Rob to the shade, loosened his clothing, wiped him down with water to cool him down, and turned a fan around to blow on him. After about five minutes, Rob woke up and said, "I'm thirsty." His friends then passed him sports drinks and cold water with plums. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Rob recovered and became more coherent. In fact, while incident like this one is prone to occur at scorching hot summer days, it may be easily avoided if we pay more attention to personal health conditions and drink ample water.

Last summer (in 2022), the Eurasia has repeatedly seen record-high temperatures. In Taiwan, almost all counties and cities reached daily high temperatures of 38 degrees Celsius or higher. According to information released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Executive Yuan, there have been 556 cases of heat-related illnesses reported by late July in 2022, which is twice as many as the same period compared with the previous year.

Drinking Water, Sustaining Life

More than 70% of the human body is composed of water, so staying hydrated is very important. Water is necessary for transporting nutrients to our cells, helping our metabolic systems excrete waste from the body, regulating body temperature, etc. Therefore, consuming enough water is vital to keep the body functioning properly. However, many people do not realize how important it is. According to a survey, more than 90% of people do not like to drink plain water, over 60% of people drink water only when they are thirsty, and only 5% have good habits when it comes to drinking water. For the body to function and metabolize properly and avoid illnesses, it is imperative to drink water the right way every day 

Drinking enough water can help reduce the thickening of the blood, accelerate the metabolic rate, and help the body eliminate toxins and waste, preventing cardiovascular diseases, urinary tract infections, gout, stones, constipation, and other conditions. In addition, consuming more water can revitalize cells and slow the aging process. In the long run, staying well-hydrated can improve the appearance of dry, dull skin.

According to a report by the American Dietetic Association, recommended daily water intake is calculated by age and weight, as shown in the table below:

*The actual amount of intake may be increased or decreased according to each person's physical condition and how much they exercise and sweat.
**If you have chronic heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, ascites, or severe edema, please follow your physician's recommendation and limit your water intake appropriately to reduce causing a burden on your vital organs.

What if I Don't Like to Drink Water?

For people who do not like to drink water, The Ministry of Health and Welfare recommends adding the following five ingredients to help increase water intake.

1.Mint leaves: Simply add fresh mint leaves directly into the water. Not only is it refreshing, but the mint leaves also promote digestion and gut health.

2.Lemon juice: Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C, which can increase the good bacteria in the intestinal tract and help you poop. Also, citric acid can help the body absorb calcium, which keeps your bones healthy.

3.Cucumber: Cucumbers contain folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals. They can satisfy thirst, hydrate and replenish your skin, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

4.Honey: Honey contains oligosaccharides, which can promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria, to maintain the healthy function of the gut and immune system. Honey is also rich in nutrients such as flavonoid and flavanols, which have antioxidant effects. However, don't forget that honey is also sugar, so it is best not to use it as a source of water intake throughout the day; otherwise, you will consume too many calories.

5.Dried salted plums: To prevent heatstroke during the summer, and eliminate the body's dampness, traditional Chinese medical doctors recommend adding a salted, dried plum into warm water. The sweet and sour taste will be slowly released into the water and can help with hydration and relieve heat.

(Image source: Health and Hope; Heho website)

Am I Drinking Enough Water?

Whether you are consuming enough water can also be judged by the color of your urine. The color of a person's urine varies with a person’s diet, medications, vitamins intake, and illnesses. Therefore, urine can be used as a basic, simple indicator of whether the body needs more water or is in good condition. It is also an easy way to self-examine your health condition every day.

Image source: Nantou Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

The Best Time to Drink Water

Now that everyone knows the importance of drinking water, let's take a look at the best time to drink water for the best results!

The Health Promotion Administration has proposed the "5 Tips for Drinking Water" technique. Also, you should remember to drink water constantly when in a hot environment. Do not wait until you are thirsty, and drink in sips and repeatedly. Drinking too quickly or drinking too much at once will cause discomfort.

Health Tips

Drinking plain, boiled water is most recommended for hydration. For those who dislike drinking water, you can replace water with tea. No matter how busy you are, remember to drink water! 
A reminder: Sipping on water consistently throughout the day is the best way to drink water and can lessen the burden on the body.

Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor
Nantou Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare