
2022 / 3
Jan / 2022



Building Youth Power Towards Sustainable Development─ Discussion on the Establishment and Objectives of the CTCI Education Foundation (CTCIEF)

Logo of the CTCI EF

Since its establishment in 2015, CTCI EF had been chaired by CTCI Group Chairman John T. Yu, who was succeeded by ambassador-at-large Eugene Chien in 2017. The mission of the foundation is to enhance sustainable development education in Taiwan, cultivate talents with innovative perspectives for sustainable development, reward sustainable and forward-looking research, promote corporate social responsibility education, and facilitate sustainable development in universities, with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core. We are committed to building partnerships to exert a long-term impact on schools, corporations, and the public through our innovative model.

Core themes of the CTCI EF

  1. To promote the United Nation´s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. To advance fulfilment of “university social responsibility”
  3. To deepen the realization of corporate social responsibility
  4. To lead actions in limiting climate change

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Strengthen sustainability knowledge with partners from various sectors

In order to promote education on sustainable development and cultivate outstanding sustainable talent, CTCI EF actively organizes various activities, such as the “CTCI Scholarship Program,” “120h - Taiwan in My Eyes,” “Youth Sustainability Leadership Program,” “Participation in UNFCCC COP 23,” “CSR Captain Program,” “CSR University Lecture,” “Sustainable Living Lab Award,” “International Conference on Circular Economy,” “Publications for Education on SDGs”, and “Little Engineers Summer Camp.” Through activities targeting different groups including enterprises, society and students, CTCI EF aims to strengthen the knowledge of sustainability of various sectors, and to cultivate outstanding talent in sustainable engineering and CSR in an attempt to contribute to the promotion of sustainable development education and social responsibility, while positioning the Foundation as an opinion leader in sustainable development.

In addition, CTCI EF also consolidates the resources and influence of engineering professionals and scholars to advocate the importance of sustainability and value chain to the domestic and international markets, and further promote the core value of coexistence between environmental sustainability and expansion of international market. Meanwhile, it also assists in promoting the knowledge, experience and innovative initiatives on issues concerning corporate sustainability, sustainable energy and sustainable engineering with the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) and the Center for Corporate Sustainability (CCS), while continue to facilitate the establishment and practice of industry-academia cooperation and exchange platforms and models.

Chairman of the CTCI EF, Eugene Chien, CTCI Group Shared Services CEO, Ming-Cheng Hsiao, and members of the Foundation.

In August 2021, CTCI´s second headquarters building (HQ2) was officially completed, housing its two business groups of Intelligent Solutions Business and Resource Cycling Business and the CTCI EF. This building not only becomes a model of intelligent building and a new local landmark, but will also provide an additional boost for the CTCI's global business development, as well as strengthening cohesion between the Group's business groups and the Foundation, facilitating the CTCI´s internal promotion of social responsibility and ESG (Environmental, Social, Corporate Governance) responsibility.

Group photo of the office relocation ceremony at the CTCI EF office.

Group photo of the office relocation ceremony of the CTCI EF at HQ2.

Embracing the dual challenges of the climate change and the pandemic

The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has changed the way we live in Taiwan and transformed various industrial activities. The year 2021 is an even more challenging year; along with the emergent challenges, the threat of climate change does not cease to ease off. To continue promoting the cultivation of outstanding talent in in sustainable engineering and CSR and promote the UN´s SDGs, the CTCI EF has adjusted a number of ongoing activities using digital technology to host activities online. Through the application of new technology, it is able to reduce the obstacles of distances and has successfully held five online events: the "2021 Youth Innovation Camp for Sustainability," "SDGs Practices in Universities and Industry-Academia Innovation—2021 University SDGs and Industry Development Exchange Workshop," "2021 Sustainable Development Education Seminar," "2021 CSR Masterclass" and "The 5th International Conference on Integrated and Innovative Solutions for Circular Economy (2021)." A total of 1,200 participants from industries, government, academia, and research institutes have joined the online events.

Group photo collections of recent events.

In addition, over the past year, countries around the world have successively announced carbon neutrality or net zero emissions objectives at a national-level. In April this year, Taiwan also announced its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
As a way to take climate action, deepen the concept of carbon neutrality, promote the integration of sustainable development education and SDGs in the long term, and to provide educational institutions, CTCI EF will strengthen the public understanding of the global sustainable development and various sustainable issues through promotion of books on sustainable development, teacher training programs, student camps, domestic and international seminars and conferences, etc. The cooperation and communication platform between industry, academia and research sectors will foster better understanding and leaning on the key issues and international development trends.

For latest information about the Foundation, please follow the website of the CTCI EF (Website search: CTCI Education Foundation/CTCIEF).
CTCI Education Foundation